How Much Does a Prenup Cost

Prenup Costs 2023

When planning to get married, couples might not even think about ever getting divorced. Nonetheless, many financial professionals recommend that everyone sign a prenup (prenuptial agreement) in the event a divorce happens. The marriage rate is 5 out of 1,000 people whereas the divorce rate is 2 per 1,000 people, both of which are lows…

How Much Does An Uncontested Divorce Cost

Uncontested Divorce Costs 2023

Uncontested divorces are more straightforward and less expensive than contested divorces because both parties are actively working towards resolutions. If you choose to hire an attorney for this divorce process, hourly fees will likely range from $150-$400 per hour. Let’s take a look at some other factors impacting the total cost of an uncontested divorce.…