How To Get Full Custody Of A Child

What Are Good Reasons To Get Full Custody?

Why should you seek full custody of your child? Let’s look at some of the most common reasons why this custody type is needed. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Reasons To Get Full Custody Of A Child When you have full custody of your children, you can legally make all child-related decisions without consulting the other parent. If…

5 Reasons To Deny Overnight Visitation

5 Reasons To Deny Overnight Visitation

What factors can ultimately end up denying overnight visitation for a parent? (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION 1. Environment At Home The environment at your home will undoubtedly play a huge role in determining if you are fit for overnight visits. Your judge will want to ensure your home is free of any hazards or unsafe…

What Is Gray Divorce

Alternatives To Gray Divorce

The decision to end a marriage later in life can be extremely difficult. Many couples, even at an advance age, are not prepared for the unique legal issues that come with divorce. When terminating a marriage, older individuals must take into account insurance, business interests, healthcare, retirement savings, estate planning, and social security. As senior…

Expert Witness Hourly Rates

Do Expert Witnesses Get Paid?

Yes, expert witnesses do get paid for their services. Now, you may be wondering who is responsible for paying the fees of an expert witness. According to AZBar, “Arizona’s version requires a client to be ultimately responsible for costs and expenses of litigation that are advanced by a lawyer. Thus, to the extent a fact…