Is Divorce A Civil Case

Is Divorce A Civil Case?

In general, there are two case types: civil cases and criminal cases. Criminal cases are initiated by a government prosecutor against an individual or organization that has broken local, state, or federal laws. Civil cases, meanwhile, are usually between private parties, encompassing everything besides criminal matters. This can range all the way from small claims…

What Happens After Temporary Custody Is Granted

What Happens After Temporary Custody Is Granted?

Temporary custody is a court-ordered arrangement assigning temporary care, custody, and guardianship of a child to either an individual or agency. Typically, this arrangement is established during legal proceedings, such as a separation or divorce. The temporary custody arrangement comes into play when the welfare of the child is in question because of concerns regarding…

Is A Prenup A Good Idea

Is A Prenup A Good Idea?

Prior to tying the knot, there can be lots of legal documents to prepare and sign, including a prenuptial agreement, if the spouses elect to do so. Let’s look at certain circumstances where these agreements are a good idea for married couples. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION What Is A Prenuptial Agreement? In the state of…

Chances Of Father Getting Split Custody

Chances Of Father Getting 50/50 Custody

Child custody arrangements are at the heart of the family law system across the country. Recently, there has been an increased interest in fathers obtaining split or 50/50 custody of their children. The odds of this arrangement, though, will depend on a few factors detailed below. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION What Are The Chances Of…

What Does A Prenup Protect

What Does A Prenup Protect?

Prior to tying the knot, there can be lots of legal documents to prepare and sign, including a prenuptial agreement, if the spouses elect to do so. Let’s look at what these agreements can and cannot protect. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION What Is A Prenuptial Agreement? In the state of Arizona, two people can voluntarily…