After How Many Years Of Separation Is A Marriage Annulled

Time Frame For An Annulment

One process used to terminate a marriage is called annulment. Whenever a court awards a petition for annulment, the court is essentially declaring the marriage nullified. Annulment differs from divorce in that once a divorce is awarded, the marriage is dissolved. If you are searching for “time frame for an annulment”, High Desert Family Law…

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

You will be able to keep both costs and confusion at a minimum when you come to a divorce mediation session prepared. Use our complete checklist below. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Divorce mediation is a structured, cooperative process in which a neutral mediator helps divorcing couples negotiate and resolve their issues amicably, without going to…

How To Tell Your Husband You Want A Divorce

Telling Your Husband You Want A Divorce

Telling your wife that you want a divorce is a difficult and emotionally charged conversation. Here are some steps to approach this conversation with care and sensitivity: (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION elling your husband that you want a divorce is one of the most difficult conversations to have, and it’s natural to feel apprehensive. Here…