Is it possible to lose custody when not co-parenting properly with the other parent? The answer is yes. You can lose custody for bad co-parenting.
Is It Possible To Lose Custody For Not Co-Parenting?
If the court finds that you are not adequately co-parenting, you can be stripped of custody. This generally happens in cases where one parent is not following a visitation schedule or consistently showing up late for pickups and drop-offs.
The court can also find that you are not co-parenting properly if you consistently fail to communicate with the other parent regarding important child welfare matters. If you wish to cut a parent out of your child’s life, this is referred to as parental alienation. This is simply another type of bad co-parenting. Family court judges are strict regarding the child’s right to receive love and affection from both parents.
Ultimately, the court will look out for the best interest of the child. If the court determines that bad co-parenting has had a negative impact on the child, they may decide to strip you of custody.
What Is Considered Bad Co-Parenting?
Below, are five common factors that can cause a mother or father to lose custody due to bad co-parenting practices.
Child Neglect
It’s no secret that neglect of the child’s welfare is a glaring indication that a parent does not have the capacity to raise the child in the best manner. Either inconsistency or failure to provide basic needs, such as food, shelter, healthcare, clothing, or education, can be grounds for losing custody.
Sometimes, minor mishaps will be overlooked, but if neglect occurs, it may spur a reconsideration of the custodial agreement entirely.
Domestic Abuse
Violence toward children comes in many forms, including physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse. Here are a few specific details on each form of abuse:
- Physical abuse: Excessive beating, hitting, kicking, and punching.
- Emotional/psychological abuse: Typically caused by verbal treatments and other abuse types.
- Sexual abuse: Involving any form of sexual contact between parent and child.
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse undoubtedly reflects poorly on the parent’s ability to create a healthy environment for a child. Excessive use of any substance and/or alcohol is often linked to domestic violence. Substance abuse often suggests the parent does not have the ideal disposition of being a caring and nurturing role model.
Court Order Violation
Violating a court order involves all of the other factors outlined here that may call for a change in the custody arrangement. Any nonconforming behavior displayed by the parent shows the inability to properly care for the child. The court may transfer custody to a more competent parent or guardian at this time.
Child Abduction
If the parent chooses to take their child without permission from the other parent, the court has the right to consider this an abduction. Even if the child consents or is unharmed, this is still against any custodial agreement. Doing this can make a parent appear unfavorable, which could result in losing custody.
Child Custody Lawyers In Scottsdale, AZ
The High Desert Family Law Group should be your first choice when you need the best divorce lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix, Arizona. Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation.