Apache Junction Divorce Lawyer

Apache Junction Divorce Lawyer

It’s commonplace to get a lawyer for your divorce process, but what if you and your spouse already agree on everything? Do you still need a lawyer if this is the case? The short answer is both yes and no. Yes, you do need a lawyer if you want to receive the best legal advice…

Can You Write Your Own Prenup and Have it Notarized?

Prenup Vs Postnup

Let’s take a look at the similarities and differences between prenuptial and postnuptial agreements in Arizona. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION What Is A Prenuptial Agreement? In the state of Arizona, two people can voluntarily join in a prenuptial agreement prior to getting married. Prenuptial agreements are also commonly referred to as premarital agreements or antenuptial…

Family Law Attorney Casa Grande

Family Law Attorney Casa Grande

A family lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in legal issues related to family relationships. This can include divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, adoption, domestic violence, and more. Family lawyers can represent clients in court proceedings, negotiate on their behalf, draft legal documents, and provide general legal counsel. They can…

Unhappy married couple

Pinal County Divorce: What You Need To Know

Learn about the various divorce laws in Pinal County, AZ by using this guide below. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Divorce Laws In Pinal County AZ The two main types of divorce are uncontested and contested. With an uncontested divorce, the couple will agree to dissolve the marriage. Both parties will need to agree to terms…

Divorce Settlement Agreements

Complete Guide To Divorce In Maricopa County

Use this guide below for everything you need to know about the divorce process in Maricopa County, Arizona. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Understanding Arizona Divorce Laws Typically, there are two kinds of divorce: uncontested and contested. In some cases, the married couple agrees on the divorce, which makes it uncontested. This type of divorce occurs…

After How Many Years Of Separation Is A Marriage Annulled

Time Frame For An Annulment

One process used to terminate a marriage is called annulment. Whenever a court awards a petition for annulment, the court is essentially declaring the marriage nullified. Annulment differs from divorce in that once a divorce is awarded, the marriage is dissolved. If you are searching for “time frame for an annulment”, High Desert Family Law…

How Much Does Divorce Cost If Both Parties Agree

How Much Does Divorce Cost If Both Parties Agree?

On average, an uncontested divorce will cost about $3,750 in the U.S. Costs can range from $2,500-$5,000, according to LegalZoom. Additionally, the majority of family law attorneys will typically bill between $150-$400 per hour. Total costs will vary based on location and attorney experience. Let’s take a look at what couples can expect when both…

Reasons To Change Visitation Schedule

Reasons To Change Visitation Schedule

The court will finalize an ongoing schedule for child custody and visitation once a divorce is settled. While it is not very easy to change a visitation schedule, let’s look at a few scenarios where adjustments may be needed. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Reasons To Change Your Custody And Visitation Schedule Some changes to the…