What Are Parental Rights in Arizona?

How To Terminate Parental Rights In Arizona

If you are currently searching for “how to terminate parental rights”, this article is for you! (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Grounds For Terminating Paternal Rights A person may seek to terminate parental rights of an individual for the following reasons: Drug or alcohol abuse. Adoption. Neglect. Domestic abuse. Incarceration. Mental health issues. Failure to maintain…

Postnuptial Agreement Cost

How Much Does A Postnup Cost?

While there is no clear cut answer to how much a postnuptial agreement costs, couples can expect to pay an average of $2,000. Costs can range anywhere from a low of $1,000 to a high of $10,000+. Read on to learn which factors can influence the cost of a postnuptial agreement. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION…

What Are The Signs of an Unfit Mother

How To Prove Unfit Mother

A crucial part of any custody battle is just how fit the mother or father is to take care of the child. Here are the steps involved in proving a mother unfit during a custody battle. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION How To Prove An Unfit Mother Parent suitability is often used in custody battles. Every…

How To Stop Grandparents Visitation Rights

How To Win Against Grandparent Rights

While most grandparents do love and care for their grandchildren, unfortunate cases of abuse and neglect can lead to parents terminating their visitation rights. The best way to stop grandparents from seeing your children is to hire an experienced attorney to build your case. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Can You Stop Grandparents From Seeing Their…

How To Become An Expert Witness

Teenager Wants To Live With Non Custodial Parent

If your teenager is serious about wanting to make a permanent living arrangement change, there are a few things to consider before making a final decision. Here are your options if your teenager wishes to live with a non-custodial parent. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION WHAT IS PHYSICAL CUSTODY? This type of custody refers to the…

How To Become An Expert Witness

Guardianship Vs Parental Rights

Parental rights are not terminated in a permanent guardianship. However, it can remove a parent’s legal custody of his or her child. In most cases, permanent guardianship can be revoked if the child’s parent, the child, or another party chooses to file a petition with the court to revoke the guardianship. This can occur if…

How To Avoid Discovery In Divorce

How To Avoid Discovery In Divorce

Discovery can be a complicated and difficult part of the divorce process. Discovery refers to both spouses exchanging information and evidence as part of the divorce proceedings. This phase is used to determine a fair settlement. However, discovery can often become contentious, while driving up costs. Use these tips to avoid the discovery process. (480)…

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

Divorce Mediation Checklist

You will be able to keep both costs and confusion at a minimum when you come to a divorce mediation session prepared. Use our complete checklist below. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION What Is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is a common way to negotiate an out-of-court settlement between two parties seeking a divorce. In this process,…

Reasons A Father Would Get Full Custody

Can You Lose Custody For Not Co Parenting?

Is it possible to lose custody when not co-parenting properly with the other parent? The answer is yes. You can lose custody for bad co-parenting. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Is It Possible To Lose Custody For Not Co-Parenting? If the court finds that you are not adequately co-parenting, you can be stripped of custody. This…