Signs Your Husband Has Checked Out of Your Marriage

Signs Your Husband Has Checked Out of Your Marriage

Every marriage experiences highs and lows as well as ups and downs. After all, no matter how much you love someone, living with them and integrating your lives is not always simple. You may become so preoccupied with your job, your kids’ activities, and running the home, especially if you have kids, that you fail…

Signs Your Husband Has Checked Out of Your Marriage

Telling Your Husband You Want A Divorce

Telling your wife that you want a divorce is a difficult and emotionally charged conversation. Here are some steps to approach this conversation with care and sensitivity: (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION elling your husband that you want a divorce is one of the most difficult conversations to have, and it’s natural to feel apprehensive. Here…

What Is Gray Divorce

Alternatives To Gray Divorce

The decision to end a marriage later in life can be extremely difficult. Many couples, even at an advance age, are not prepared for the unique legal issues that come with divorce. When terminating a marriage, older individuals must take into account insurance, business interests, healthcare, retirement savings, estate planning, and social security. As senior…

How To Tell Your Husband You Want A Divorce

How To Tell Your Wife You Want A Divorce

Telling your wife that you want a divorce is a difficult and emotionally charged conversation. Here are some steps to approach this conversation with care and sensitivity: (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION 1. Prepare Yourself Emotionally Reflect on Your Decision: Ensure that you have thoroughly thought through your decision and are certain that divorce is the…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Choosing between a legal separation and a divorce depends on various personal, financial, and practical considerations. Here are some situations where a legal separation might be more advantageous than a divorce: (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION 1. Financial Considerations Health Insurance: One of the spouses can remain on the other’s health insurance plan, which is typically…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

The Difference Between Separation And Legal Separation

Separation and legal separation are two distinct statuses that couples may consider when deciding to live apart. Here are the key differences between the two: (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Separation Definition: Separation occurs when a couple decides to live apart without officially ending their marriage. It is an informal arrangement where the spouses decide to…

Annulment Versus Divorce

Annulment Vs Divorce

Divorce and annulment are two distinct processes for legally ending a marriage or domestic partnership. For example, the type of evidence required for an annulment versus a divorce is different. The primary distinction between divorce and annulment is that a divorce dissolves a legally valid marriage, whereas an annulment declares a marriage legally invalid. (480)…

Contested Divorce Costs Arizona (2024)

Contested Divorce Costs Arizona (2024)

Contested divorce costs in Arizona can vary significantly depending on several factors, but generally range from $15,000 to $30,000 per spouse, even exceeding $50,000 in complex cases. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Contested divorce costs in Arizona can vary significantly depending on several factors, but generally range from $15,000 to $30,000 per spouse, even exceeding $50,000…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

How Legal Separation Works In Arizona

Learn more about Legal Separation in Arizona. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION What Is Legal Separation In Arizona? The legal separation process permits a married couple to maintain their marriages but divide their finances. Legal Separation And Divorce In Arizona Both create space between partners and in both child custody, support of the child or children,…