Exactly how long a divorce can be put on hold will depend on your legal system. Typically, a divorce can be put on hold from 60 to 90 days in the U.S. Within this time frame, couples will need to finalize their decision on whether to get divorced or withdraw the file.
Legal Ways To Put A Divorce On Hold
You are obliged to follow through and give divorce proceedings time to ultimately play out once you have filed for divorce. If you and your spouse wish to reconcile the marriage at this time, though, there are a couple ways in which you can hold the proceedings.
1. Apply For The Motion To Abate
Couples are legally allowed to file a written agreement with the court that states they are not seeking a divorce now. Instead, they are hoping to change their mind and reconcile their marriage. Depending on location, the courts may allow 60 to 90 days to consider your future.
If you happen to require more time to attempt to save your marriage, you may request another hearing before the judge who granted your divorce. By attending the divorce hearing, you’ll need to provide evidence that proves one spouse’s incompetence or inability is preventing the other from making final decisions regarding the marriage.
If you decide on divorce, you’ll then need to apply for a Motion to Continue the Proceedings. The court decides whether or not to grant this motion. At this point, you will have to settle everything on the divorce settlement agreement, which includes child custody arrangements, if applicable.
2. Apply For Motion To Voluntarily Dismiss The Dissolution
What happens when the couple decides to stay together rather than getting divorced? The couple will need to inform within the set time frame by applying for the motion to voluntarily dismiss the dissolution, as the court welcomes the decision. Unfortunately, at this point, you will not get a refund of the fees you paid while filing the divorce proceedings.
Common Reasons For Putting A Divorce On Hold
Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging decision that comes with an array of emotions and considerations. Here are a few of the most common reasons why couples may choose to put their divorce on hold:
- Financial considerations.
- Trying to reconcile.
- Religious beliefs.
- Health concerns.
- Legal complications.
- Emotional reasons.
- Family issues.
Source: “How Long Can A Divorce Be Put On Hold” Lawyers N Laws https://www.lawyersnlaws.com/how-long-can-a-divorce-be-put-on-hold.html
Civil Divorce In Scottsdale, AZ
The High Desert Family Law Group should be your first choice when you need the best divorce lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix, Arizona. Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation.