If you want to divorce your husband, but don’t know how to have this discussion, use our 8 tips below!
1. Do Not Ambush Your Spouse
Even if your spouse is well aware that you are unhappy in the marriage, this doesn’t guarantee they’ll take the news well. If your spouse truly has no idea how unhappy you are, it will likely come as a shock to them. Give your spouse a heads up prior to this important conversation.
2. Choose A Private Setting
This conversation should happen in a quiet and private place. Always find a private setting, unless, of course, you are concerned for your safety. Remain calm and reasonable throughout the talk.
3. Plan Ahead Of Time
Think very carefully about the message you’d like to get across while remaining calm and clear. Start by expressing your unhappiness and make sure your spouse understands the seriousness of your tone. Clearly state your wish to end the marriage, then allow your husband to take a breath and respond.
4. Prepare For Anger
There will be no easy way to tell your husband that you’d like a divorce. Be prepared for any sort of reaction, including anger. Denial, blame and crying can all occur during this stressful situation.
5. Remain Calm
Your husband will most likely respond with anger. Refrain from getting angry in return and don’t argue with him. Try to listen to everything he says and respond as calmly as possible. Reiterate that there is no way you can make this marriage work.
6. Don’t Play The Blame Game
Refrain from criticizing things your spouse may have done in the past. Use neutral language to express how you feel at this time. “I” statements always work best when expressing your feelings.
7. Avoid Trial Separation
It’s quite possible your husband will suggest trying a separation period before moving toward divorce. Tell him that your mind is made up regarding a divorce, as a separation will only postpone the problem.
8. Contact An Experienced Divorce Attorney
If you want your divorce to proceed in a peaceful manner, considering contacting High Desert Family Law Group to learn more about the divorce process.
Source: 9 Steps For Telling Your Spouse You Want A Divorce https://collaborativedivorcetexas.com/steps-telling-spouse-want-divorce/
Divorce Attorney In Scottsdale, AZ
The High Desert Family Law Group should be your first choice when you need the best divorce lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix, Arizona. Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation.