The court will finalize an ongoing schedule for child custody and visitation once a divorce is settled. While it is not very easy to change a visitation schedule, let’s look at a few scenarios where adjustments may be needed.
Reasons To Change Your Custody And Visitation Schedule
Some changes to the schedule are common, such as one-time events or grandparents stopping over to see the child. The parents can handle these slight adjustments themselves. However, if permanent changes to the schedule are a necessity, the court will need to be involved. Here are a few scenarios that call for schedule changes.
The Child’s Well-Being Is At Risk
The court is more likely to change a custody or visitation schedule when it is in the best interest of the child. When any child’s well-being is at risk, this is a significant cause for concern. There are a few certain situations that can cause the child to be at risk. The court will want proof in these situations, not just the other parent’s claim.
Other Parent’s Instability
Instability can come in many forms, but any of them can have a negative impact on a child. This can include things like one parent developing a drug or alcohol addiction, working overtime, or frequently changing jobs.
Physical Or Sexual Abuse
Whenever the child is being harmed, an immediate change to the schedule is called for. It doesn’t just have to be the other parent that is harming the child. If other residents or visitors to the home are causing harm, the court will want to adjust the schedule.
Emotional Or Verbal Abuse
The child can be harmed without any physical contact whatsoever. If the child is being emotionally or verbally abused, it’s recommended to petition the court for a schedule change.
When one parent moves far enough away that the current schedule becomes unmanageable, then it is time to get together and adjust the schedule. The new schedule will then be presented to the court. This situation can become quite complicated if one parent wants the child to move with them while the other parent wants the child to stay put.
Schedule Violations
Most families do find that there are a few times when the schedule needs to be adjusted. This can happen when a parent gets sick when it’s their turn to take the child, for example. However, if one parent routinely disrupts the court-ordered schedule by either showing up late or not showing up at all, it may be time to return to the court to make changes.
Other Circumstances
Of course, the court always wants to act with the child’s best interest as the top priority. If there are changes in the child, such as mental health issues, the schedule may no longer work for all sides.
- Reasons To Change Your Custody And Visitation Schedule Retrieved October 09, 2024 from https://akcfamilylaw.com/reasons-to-change-your-custody-and-visitation-schedule/
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