When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation Syndrome is defined as a deliberate act by one parent to separate their child or children from the other parent. The goal is to break the child’s or children’s bond with the other (usually noncustodial) parent. A parent may do this for a variety of reasons. It is sometimes done as a form…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Children And Divorce

Divorces frequently follow a pattern. However, when children are involved, further precautions and considerations must be made. Expect more conversations with your lawyer concerning child custody, visitation, parenting plans, and child support. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION If parents begin to attack one another in order to get custody of their children, the divorce process can…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Divorce With Children

Divorces frequently follow a pattern. However, when children are involved, further precautions and considerations must be made. Expect more conversations with your lawyer concerning child custody, visitation, parenting plans, and child support. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION If parents begin to attack one another in order to get custody of their children, the divorce process can…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Can Fathers Get Full Custody?

If you are a Dad and thinking is it possible to get full custody of my child or children, read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FULL CHILD CUSTODY AND JOINT CHILD CUSTODY Full custody is commonly referred to as sole custody. Parents who want full custody rights need to…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Fathers Visitation Rights And Custody

What Are Some Common Reasons a Parent Is Denied Visitation Rights? Read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION When two parents are separated or divorced, the custodial parent occasionally prevents the non-custodial parent from employing his or her child visitation rights. If you are a non-custodial parent that has been denied visitation rights…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Child Custody Battles Between Unmarried Parents

Unmarried parents’ child custody battles raise a lot of questions. When the parents are not married, who has legal custody of the child? If there are no court orders, who has custody of the child? If a father’s name appears on the birth certificate, what rights does he have? What are the rights of an…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Divorce And Children

Read on to learn more about the impact a divorce can have on a child or children. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Tough First Year The initial twelve months can be tough for a child or children as they go through feelings of anger, distress, disbelief, and anxiety. More often than not, their resilience kicks into…