Child custody arrangements are at the heart of the family law system across the country. Recently, there has been an increased interest in fathers obtaining split or 50/50 custody of their children. The odds of this arrangement, though, will depend on a few factors detailed below.
What Are The Chances Of A Father Obtaining 50/50 Custody?
The likelihood of a father getting 50/50 custody rights will depend on several factors. These factors include the circumstances of the case, the jurisdiction’s legal standards, and both parents’ ability to provide a safe and stable environment for the child.
Most jurisdictions have seen a recent shift toward recognizing the importance of 50/50 custody arrangements. However, it is important to note that each and every case is unique on its own, as the courts will undoubtedly consider many factors when determining the best arrangement for the child.
Factors Impacting Child Custody Arrangements
Here is a quick look at some of the main issues that will be considered when coming up with the best possible custody arrangement:
- Age, activities, and overall individual needs of the child.
- The child’s relationship with both parents and siblings, if applicable.
- Nurturing and caretaking ability of both parents.
- Communication between the parents.
- Both parents’ roles and responsibilities related to the child.
- The home environment.
- How disruptive it could be for the child to be with one parent as opposed to the other parent.
- Whether both parents can resolve disagreements in a civil manner.
The court will also thoroughly examine safety issues related to the child, including:
- Any history of domestic abuse toward either the child or other parent.
- Whether either parent lives in a household with an individual who may be a safety risk.
- Either parent’s struggle with substance abuse and/or mental health issues.
The court will always look into additional factors given the complexity of each case.
“Best Interests Of The Child” Standard In Custody Cases
Judges enter every custody case with the best interest of the child at the forefront. Of course, this can be subjective as every family situation is truly unique.
It would be easy for the judge to simply award custody to the parent with the larger income, but the judgement must always be based on the child’s best interest.
Source: “What Are The Chances Of The Father Getting 50/50 Custody?” Philip Goldberg PC https://philipgoldbergpc.com/family-law-denver/custody-attorney-denver/what-are-the-chances-of-the-father-getting-50-50-custody/
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