Here are 8 of the most common reasons for divorce today.
1. Infidelity
Undoubtedly, infidelity is the leading cause of divorce. With that being said, many couples are actually able to overcome infidelity and stay together. This doesn’t mean you should take the chance and cheat, though. It’s well known that infidelity will fundamentally change your relationship forever. Cheating will erase trust and destroy communication.
Being branded as a cheater or carrying around a massive amount of guilt will never lead to a successful marriage. The reasons behind infidelity are obvious; a partner may have sexual desires that aren’t being met or struggling with a lack of self-esteem. Regardless of the reasons why, infidelity will make a marriage much harder to manage.
2. Finances
Money issues can tear a couple apart very quickly because money impacts all aspects of life. No matter if you are rich or poor, money is always a primary connector in a marriage. This also means money can become the focus of many arguments and disputes.
If each spouse cannot align on financial goals in the short-term or long-term, this will become problematic to say the least. One spouse may run up a large amount of debt without the other’s knowledge. This can create earning and control issues that may never be resolved.
3. Communication
If a couple lacks the ability to communicate in ways they can be understood to each other, it can become a major source of heartache and impact every aspect of a relationship. Conversely, if both parties commit to listening to each other and try to communicate on each others wavelength, it has, when successful, saved many relationships.
Communication relates to all parts of one’s relationship. It can deal with the spouse, kids, jobs or even mental health. It’s always dangerous to make assumptions instead of communicating. Being and staying on the same page as your partner is crucial, but oftentimes difficult.
4. Arguments
Whether it is a pattern of abuse or simply constant bickering, it is okay to call your marriage quits if you realize that you and your spouse simply aren’t compatible. Everything may have clicked when you first met and dated, but marriage can change things.
Of course, counseling or therapy can be utilized to try to fix these issues. Yet, if the fighting persists, it’s better to walk away than stay in a toxic relationship.
5. Weight Gains
If one partner has gained a lot of weight, although it may be shallow, it can be off putting to the other partner. It is all too common for a couple to grow apart in a marriage simply due to changes in appearance. It is unfair, but it is a reality.
Both men and women want attractive partners, but as we age we may put on weight and find it hard to shed pounds. Changes in appearance can lead to lack of intimacy and self-esteem issues.
6. Lack Of Intimacy
Even though most marriages progress from physical contact to a more spiritual connection, sex is still important for both partners. Of course, intimacy, means more than just sex. Newsweek Magazine recently reported that 15-20 percent of couples were in sexless relationships. Less than 10 percent of couples under the age of 50 were reported to not have sex at all in the past year.
However, this does not mean intimacy should disappear altogether even after sex becomes less frequent. There are many other ways for couples to be intimate with each other. Examples include daily hugs and kisses. Even simple physical gestures like backrubs or foot rubs can help satisfy your partner. Intimacy involves paying attention to your partner’s needs and urges. Intimacy is physical attention, and it’s vital to any successful marriage.
7. Abuse
A pattern of domestic abuse is certainly a valid reason to file for divorce. The common misconception is abuse is only physical. This could not be further from the truth, though. Emotional and financial abuse are quite common nowadays. Any sort of constant yelling, neglect, anger or vulgar comments can be grounds for emotional abuse.
The abuse doesn’t necessarily have to be directed at the spouse. Oftentimes, children, parents, grandparents or even friends can be the targets of an abuser. Counseling can be utilized to try to rid the spouse of the abusive behavior, but if that fails many people will opt for termination of the marriage. Staying in a chronically abusive relationship is neither healthy nor safe.
8. Addiction
Addictions can unfortunately come in many forms besides the common addictions to drugs or alcohol. All sorts of addictions can threaten a marriage’s longevity. Common addictions tearing couples apart include pornography, gambling and spending. Once someone has an addiction it can threaten their job, friends and, of course, marriage.
Addiction can cause a spouse to lie, cheat or even steal. Treatment can help with addiction, but this will require intense focus and commitment from both parties in the marriage. It’s no wonder why addiction has become one of the leading causes of divorce today.
Need an Affordable Divorce lawyer in Scottsdale?
The High Desert Family Law Group should be your first choice when you need the best divorce lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix, Arizona. Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation.