How To Divorce With Kids

Figuring out a child custody arrangement during a divorce process is no easy task. Child custody determinations are typically governed by state law.  (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Figure Out Parental Responsibilities After Divorce Sharing a child with your partner means you’ll likely share responsibility for that child in some fashion during and after a divorce.…

What To Look For In A Paternity Lawyer?

Paternity Lawyer Cost

Paternity lawyers typically charge an initial retainer fee between $3,500-$5,000. Following this fee, paternity lawyers in the U.S. will charge an average of $400 per hour. Prices will range from $300-$500 per hour. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION What Does A Paternity Lawyer Do? These lawyers can assist any parent in proving or disproving paternity when…