Dissolving your marriage peacefully is an option. Use our tips below to leave your marriage peacefully and respectfully.
Tip 1. Understand The Divorce Process
Although you may decide to hire professionals to guide you through this process, it’s still important to understand the essential elements of a divorce. You should have a full understanding of your financial situation to best prepare you for all available options in a divorce. The more you can learn about divorce, the more you will be able to participate meaningfully.
Tip 2. Stay Out Of Court
Some couples can ultimately sit down together and complete necessary paperwork without any legal representation. Most couples, though, do need professional guidance to navigate through this difficult process.
Both collaborative divorce and mediation are options to avoid the need for litigation. Fighting it out in court is usually every couples’ last choice once all other avenues have been exhausted.
Tip 3. Commit To Financial Disclosure
Transparency is key in any divorce process, especially when it comes to finances. In a collaborative divorce, the spouses must commit in writing to provide full financial disclosure. A divorce can only be resolved successfully if you and your spouse lay all your financial cards on the table.
This includes preparing a summary of shared/community property assets and liabilities, as well as identifying separate entities.
Tip 4. Have Realistic Expectations
It’s vital to keep realistic expectations during a divorce. If one spouse enters the divorce expecting to “get everything,” it will be very tough to come to a mutual agreement. Compromising is a big part of a peaceful divorce.
Oftentimes, any degree of entitlement you may feel is entirely emotionally driven. An experienced attorney can explain the legal framework within which decisions need to be made. You will want to be as levelheaded as possible throughout the entire process.
Source: “Divorce Without War: 30 Tips For An Amicable Divorce” Karen Covy https://karencovy.com/amicable-divorce/
Civil Divorce In Scottsdale, AZ
The High Desert Family Law Group should be your first choice when you need the best divorce lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix, Arizona. Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation.