Divorce Settlement Agreements

Retaining A Prenup Lawyer

A prenuptial agreement, also known as a premarital agreement or prenup, permits a couple to determine, for instance, the property rights for the marriage. Continue reading to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION The spouses will obtain automatic property rights under state law unless a legally binding agreement specifies otherwise. State law governs the division…

What Is Communal Property

What Is Communal Property

Community property difficulties can arise during divorce procedures and following the death of a spouse. When couples divorce or pass away, they are frequently left with the difficult chore of sharing property and income gained throughout the marriage. This may include tangible assets (such as stocks, bonds, and legal title), intangible assets (such as automobiles,…

Annulment Versus Divorce

Annulment Versus Divorce

Divorce and annulment are two distinct processes for legally ending a marriage or domestic partnership. For example, the type of evidence required for an annulment versus a divorce is different. The primary distinction between divorce and annulment is that a divorce dissolves a legally valid marriage, whereas an annulment declares a marriage legally invalid. (480)…

When Mediation Breaks Down

Property Division And Divorce

Apart from child custody, a divorcing couple’s primary concern is what to do with shared property. Who is going to be the owner of the house? Who is going to take possession of the dog? The answer is conditional on the state’s divorce laws and the ability of the spouses to come to an agreement.…

When Is A Legal Separation Better Than Divorce?

Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation Syndrome is defined as a deliberate act by one parent to separate their child or children from the other parent. The goal is to break the child’s or children’s bond with the other (usually noncustodial) parent. A parent may do this for a variety of reasons. It is sometimes done as a form…

Divorce Settlement Agreements

Custodial Interference

In simple terms, custodial interference occurs when one parent attempts to interfere with the other parent’s custody rights of the child or children. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION When custody orders are violated, it can result in criminal consequences in some cases, which is a highly contentious issue. However, there are a few circumstances in which…

How To File For Legal Separation In Arizona

Expensive Divorce Errors

If you intend to separate from your partner and seek a divorce, you must proceed with caution. According to attorneys, it is best to stay away from social media because it can be used as evidence during the divorce process. Some people try to avoid paying alimony during a divorce while simultaneously bragging about their…

Types Of Family Lawyers

Divorce Certificates And Divorce Degrees

Divorce documents can be perplexing, but each one you read is crucial. A “divorce decree” may be issued by a court, but your “divorce certificate” may be issued elsewhere. Continue reading to find out more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Decrees on Divorce A divorce decree is a court-issued document that serves as the final judgment…

When Mediation Breaks Down

Should You Stay In The House During A Divorce

With the exception of when a restraining order is in effect, which requires a person to stay away from their property, child(ren), or spouse, anyone can legally continue to live in their home, whether they own it alone or jointly with their spouse. Continue reading to find out more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION People have…