How To Get Full Custody Of A Child

What Are Good Reasons To Get Full Custody?

Why should you seek full custody of your child? Let’s look at some of the most common reasons why this custody type is needed. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Reasons To Get Full Custody Of A Child When you have full custody of your children, you can legally make all child-related decisions without consulting the other parent. If…

5 Reasons To Deny Overnight Visitation

5 Reasons To Deny Overnight Visitation

What factors can ultimately end up denying overnight visitation for a parent? (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION 1. Environment At Home The environment at your home will undoubtedly play a huge role in determining if you are fit for overnight visits. Your judge will want to ensure your home is free of any hazards or unsafe…

What Are Parental Rights in Arizona?

How To Terminate Parental Rights In Arizona

If you are currently searching for “how to terminate parental rights”, this article is for you! (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Grounds For Terminating Paternal Rights A person may seek to terminate parental rights of an individual for the following reasons: Drug or alcohol abuse. Adoption. Neglect. Domestic abuse. Incarceration. Mental health issues. Failure to maintain…

Why Would A Mother Get Full Custody and Why Would a Father Get Full Custody?

Why Would A Mother Get Full Custody?

A mother (or any parent) might be granted full custody of a child for various reasons. Full custody, also known as sole custody, means that one parent has both legal and physical custody of the child. Here are some common reasons a mother might be awarded full custody: (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Child’s Best Interests…

What Are The Signs of an Unfit Mother

What Are The Signs of an Unfit Mother?

Determining the fitness of a parent, including a mother, involves assessing whether their behavior or circumstances negatively impact the child’s well-being. Signs of an unfit mother may include: (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Neglect: Failing to provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. Lack of supervision or leaving the child in unsafe…

What Are The Signs of an Unfit Mother

How To Prove Unfit Mother

A crucial part of any custody battle is just how fit the mother or father is to take care of the child. Here are the steps involved in proving a mother unfit during a custody battle. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION How To Prove An Unfit Mother Parent suitability is often used in custody battles. Every…

How To Become An Expert Witness

Teenager Wants To Live With Non Custodial Parent

If your teenager is serious about wanting to make a permanent living arrangement change, there are a few things to consider before making a final decision. Here are your options if your teenager wishes to live with a non-custodial parent. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION WHAT IS PHYSICAL CUSTODY? This type of custody refers to the…

How To Become An Expert Witness

Guardianship Vs Parental Rights

Parental rights are not terminated in a permanent guardianship. However, it can remove a parent’s legal custody of his or her child. In most cases, permanent guardianship can be revoked if the child’s parent, the child, or another party chooses to file a petition with the court to revoke the guardianship. This can occur if…