What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?

How Long Do Custody Battles Take?

Some custody battles can wrap up in just a few weeks, while more complicated cases can take years to resolve. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION How Long Does A Custody Battle Take? There is no definitive answer for how long a custody battle/case will take. Some of these cases will wrap up in a few weeks,…

What Is The Non Custodial Parent Responsible For

What Is The Non Custodial Parent Responsible For?

The role of non-custodial parent can be confusing at times, so it’s important to know what rights you have. Understanding the rights and responsibilities of a non-custodial parent can make a big difference in your relationship with your child. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Visitation Visitation rights are extremely important for parents who do not live…

Pros and Cons of Fostering

Pros And Cons Of Guardianship Vs Adoption

Family courts make decisions with the child’s best interest as the primary focus. This means the courts will consider several factors based on the child’s safety and well-being. The court ultimately uses this standard when choosing between guardianship and adoption. Let’s look at the pros and cons associated with these options. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION…

How Long After Divorce Can You Remarry?

If you are in the process of a divorce, you may wish to remarry soon after the divorce is finalized. Until your divorce is actually and lawfully final, you are still married to someone else. Most states have varying legal rules and laws that deal with this scenario, so you must always ensure you follow…

Who Gets The House In A Divorce

Who Gets The House In A Divorce?

Oftentimes, the biggest asset a couple owns is the house they live in. If the home was purchased during the marriage, it will be considered a marital asset that needs to be divided during a divorce. This is the case whether one or both spouse’s names are on the deed. Let’s take a look at…

After How Many Years Of Separation Is A Marriage Annulled

Can You Get An Annulment After 10 Years Of Marriage?

One process used to terminate a marriage is called annulment. Whenever a court awards a petition for annulment, the court is essentially declaring the marriage nullified. Annulment differs from divorce in that once a divorce is awarded, the marriage is dissolved. Typically, there is no time period following the marriage by which the annulment must…

5 Reasons To Deny Overnight Visitation

What Voids A Custody Agreement?

Parents in Arizona have a duty to uphold the terms of their child custody agreement. However, if one parent violates the terms, the other parent may wish to modify or void the agreement altogether. Let’s look at the possible ways to void a child custody arrangement. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Child Abuse Or Endangerment Each…

5 Reasons A Judge Will Change Custody

When two parents divorce, the court will create a child custody agreement. What are some of the reasons why a judge would make changes to this agreement over time? (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION 1. Failure To Comply With Current Custody Agreement In the event your ex-partner is not obeying the current custody order, you should…

5 Reasons To Deny Overnight Visitation

How Long Is A Lawyer Retainer Good For?

The typical lawyer retainer is good for the entirety of the legal matter for which it is paid. Let’s take a look at retainer fees and what you can expect before acquiring the services of an experienced lawyer. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION What Is A Lawyer Retainer Fee? A lawyer retainer fee is a sum…

How Much Does A Real Estate Attorney Cost

Real Estate Attorney Cost Per Hour

Real estate attorneys handle a wide variety of cases related to renting, buying and selling of real property. The two most common ways a real estate attorney will charge a client are via a fixed fee or hourly rate. Typically, real estate attorney services cost between $150-$400 per hour. Fixed rates range between $500-$2,000 for…