What Does A Family Lawyer Do?

What Does A Family Lawyer Do?

A family lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in legal issues related to family relationships. This can include divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, adoption, domestic violence, and more. Family lawyers can represent clients in court proceedings, negotiate on their behalf, draft legal documents, and provide general legal counsel. They can…

What Does A Family Lawyer Do?

The Difference Between Separation and Divorce

Separation and divorce are two legal processes that involve spouses living apart, but they have distinct differences in terms of their legal status, impact on the marriage, and potential outcomes. Here are the key differences between separation and divorce: (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Separation: Legal Status: Separation is not a legal end to the marriage.…

Why Would A Mother Get Full Custody and Why Would a Father Get Full Custody?

How A Mother Can Lose A Custody Battle

In the past, it was commonplace for mothers to be awarded sole custody automatically. However, times have certainly changed, and it is now very possible for a mother to lose a custody battle. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION How Can A Mother Lose A Custody Battle? Fathers are better prepared nowadays to win sole custody of…

Why Would A Mother Get Full Custody?

Can A Dad Get Full Custody?

Yes, it is possible for a dad to get full custody of his child/children. Learn more below! (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Here are a few things every father seeking full custody should know before heading to court: What Is The Difference Between Joint Custody And Full Custody? Full custody can be commonly referred to as…

How To Become An Expert Witness

Does Guardianship Override Parental Rights?

Parental rights are not terminated in a permanent guardianship. However, it can remove a parent’s legal custody of his or her child. In most cases, permanent guardianship can be revoked if the child’s parent, the child, or another party chooses to file a petition with the court to revoke the guardianship. This can occur if…

What Happens At a First and Second Custody Hearing

Shared Custody Vs Joint Custody

There are a few different ways child custody can be arranged in the event of a separation or divorce. Shared or joint custody are usually the most favorable outcomes for everyone involved. Let’s take a look at some of the key similarities and differences of shared and joint custody. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION How Does…

child support

What Does Child Support Cover?

Determining exact child support payment obligations is crucial following a separation or divorce. Both parties must understand the state’s laws about child support payments. If you are wondering what child support covers, this article will help! (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Basic Child Support Child support is designed to help with the normal and expected expenses…