Amicable Divorce Checklist

Can You Divorce Amicably?

If you are seeking an amicable divorce, this checklist will assist in helping to make sure you have all the bases covered. Read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Parenting Plan Determine where children will reside and the custodial split between the parents Make plans for when the children will see both parents.…

Requesting A Divorce

Divorce And A Wife Who Is Unfaithful

Sadly we all too often hear of cheating spouses but we can help when you are faced with this devastating situation. Read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION When You Want A Divorce Following Cheating The initial step should be to speak with an attorney experienced in these matters. You do not have…

What Is Gray Divorce

What Is Gray Divorce?

The decision to end a marriage later in life can be extremely difficult. Many couples, even at an advance age, are not prepared for the unique legal issues that come with divorce. When terminating a marriage, older individuals must take into account insurance, business interests, healthcare, retirement savings, estate planning, and social security. As senior…

Annulment Requirements

Annulment Criteria

Use our checklist if you are seeking an annulment in Arizona. Read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Wait 90 Days In Arizona you or your spouse are required to live in Arizona for a minimum of 90 days before filing for annulment Obtain an Annulment Petition Obtain a Petition for Annulment of…

When Mediation Breaks Down

When Mediation Breaks Down

Mediation refers to the process by which an impartial third party intervenes between two disputing parties. This is done to promote reconciliation, resolution, or compromise. Mediation is an effective method for resolving virtually all civil or non-criminal issues. Cases that may be handled by mediation include, but are not limited to: Divorce arrangements; Child custody…

Types Of Family Lawyers

Getting A Cheaper Divorce

If you cannot afford a lawyer or believe that paying for one would be excessive, consider these cheaper alternatives for your divorce. Whether you anticipated the divorce or your partner surprised you with divorce papers, it is a stressful moment. Adding financial issues to the mix can be totally daunting. However, there are options that…

How To File For Legal Separation In Arizona

Defining Legal Separation In Arizona

Whether or not children are involved affects the formal separation filing process. All forms are available at Continue reading to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Meet Arizona residency requirements File a legal separation petition. File a legal separation agreement. Serve your partner and wait for a response. The spouse may file a counter-petition.…

What Is Communal Property

What Is Communal Property

Community property difficulties can arise during divorce procedures and following the death of a spouse. When couples divorce or pass away, they are frequently left with the difficult chore of sharing property and income gained throughout the marriage. This may include tangible assets (such as stocks, bonds, and legal title), intangible assets (such as automobiles,…

Annulment Versus Divorce

Annulment Versus Divorce

Divorce and annulment are two distinct processes for legally ending a marriage or domestic partnership. For example, the type of evidence required for an annulment versus a divorce is different. The primary distinction between divorce and annulment is that a divorce dissolves a legally valid marriage, whereas an annulment declares a marriage legally invalid. (480)…

When Mediation Breaks Down

Property Division And Divorce

Apart from child custody, a divorcing couple’s primary concern is what to do with shared property. Who is going to be the owner of the house? Who is going to take possession of the dog? The answer is conditional on the state’s divorce laws and the ability of the spouses to come to an agreement.…