How Much Does An Uncontested Divorce Cost

How Much Does An Uncontested Divorce Cost?

Uncontested divorces are more straightforward and less expensive than contested divorces because both parties are actively working towards resolutions. If you choose to hire an attorney for this divorce process, hourly fees will likely range from $150-$400 per hour. Let’s take a look at some other factors impacting the total cost of an uncontested divorce.…

Types Of Family Lawyers

You Can Get An Inexpensive Divorce

If you cannot afford a lawyer or believe that paying for one would be excessive, consider these cheaper alternatives for your divorce. Whether you anticipated the divorce or your partner surprised you with divorce papers, it is a stressful moment. Adding financial issues to the mix can be totally daunting. However, there are options that…

How To File For Legal Separation In Arizona

Avoid These Divorce Mistakes!

If you intend to separate from your partner and seek a divorce, you must proceed with caution. According to attorneys, it is best to stay away from social media because it can be used as evidence during the divorce process. Some people try to avoid paying alimony during a divorce while simultaneously bragging about their…

what rights does a father have

Back To School Ideas 2022

The start of the school year can be stressful for parents and children. here are some tips to help your child or children thrive at school. read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Back To School Ideas For Parents Share the costs of the kit and accessories needed. Remember to keep the receipts.…

Child Custody Lawyer Costs

Child Custody Lawyer Costs 2022

$21,500 is the mean cost of a child custody lawyer in the USA as per LegalMatch with fees varying from as little as $3,000 to around $40,000 in the US for 2022. Undoubtedly, child custody cases can be one of the most emotionally taking experiences a parent may encounter. Read on to learn more. (480)…

When Mediation Breaks Down

Why Is Divorce On The Rise?

Here are more reasons people get divorced. Read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Expectations People have a lot of expectations when they marry. The strain of reality not meeting expectations can be very intense. Intimacy Intimacy does not always mean sex but also refers to the deep emotional connection a couple have.…

Types Of Family Lawyers

Succeed In A Protection Court Hearing

On this page, we’ll go over the steps you need to take to ensure you’re ready for a final protection order hearing in a civil court. Some of the information on this page may also be useful in custody cases. Your best chance for legal representation is, of course, a lawyer with experience and awareness…