Expert Witness Hourly Rates

Expert Witness Fees

The national average fee for expert witness services is $356 per hour. The typical rate for deposition appearance is $448 per hour. Trial testimony costs are an average of $478 per hour, according to ExpertInstitute. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION How Much Does An Expert Witness Cost? The majority of expert witnesses will require a retainer…

Types Of Child Custody

Types Of Child Custody

The issue of child custody can be one of the toughest parts of an ongoing divorce process. Each parent needs to know where their child will live and go to school. This article will detail the many types of child custody arrangements. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Legal Custody Legal custody refers to the situation in…

When Mediation Breaks Down

Why Is Divorce On The Rise?

Here are more reasons people get divorced. Read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Expectations People have a lot of expectations when they marry. The strain of reality not meeting expectations can be very intense. Intimacy Intimacy does not always mean sex but also refers to the deep emotional connection a couple have.…

Types Of Family Lawyers

Succeed In A Protection Court Hearing

On this page, we’ll go over the steps you need to take to ensure you’re ready for a final protection order hearing in a civil court. Some of the information on this page may also be useful in custody cases. Your best chance for legal representation is, of course, a lawyer with experience and awareness…

Amicable Divorce Checklist

Can You Divorce Amicably?

If you are seeking an amicable divorce, this checklist will assist in helping to make sure you have all the bases covered. Read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION Parenting Plan Determine where children will reside and the custodial split between the parents Make plans for when the children will see both parents.…

Requesting A Divorce

Divorce And A Wife Who Is Unfaithful

Sadly we all too often hear of cheating spouses but we can help when you are faced with this devastating situation. Read on to learn more. (480) 240-0040 INITIAL CONSULTATION When You Want A Divorce Following Cheating The initial step should be to speak with an attorney experienced in these matters. You do not have…